Recent Publications
Procurement: A Refresher And More
This paper will consider the sources of liability in tendering: contractual claims arising from “Contract A”, the trade agreements, and...
Downzoning - Panacea or a Dirty Word?
Within the suite of authorities granted to local governments by the province, land use regulation is perhaps the most important. And...
Newsletter Volume 34, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA conference issue: Artificial General (Municipal) Intelligence: Not Quite Yet - Nick FalzonBC Financial Services Authority...
Newsletter Volume 34, Number 1
In this issue:Best Practices for C2C Meetings - Amy O'Connor Riparian Area Protection Powers Rolled Back by the Court of Appeal - Bill...
Waste Management Legal Issues
The Environmental Management Act (the “EMA”) and the various regulations enacted under the EMA regulate waste within British Columbia....
Newsletter Volume 33, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: City of Vancouver Cannot Control Rent by By-law, BC Supreme Court Finds - Elizabeth Anderson & Nick...
Newsletter Volume 33, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA conference issue:Recitals ≠ Reasons - Barry WilliamsonBuilding Permit Requires Tenant in Common's Consent - Elizabeth...
Newsletter Volume 33, Number 1
In this issue: Let's Talk About Tax Sales - Michael Moll & Elizabeth AndersonRecent Decisions on Employers COVID-19 Vaccination...
Local Government Contracting: Common Pitfalls
One of the key powers granted to local governments under the Community Charter and the Local Government Act is the power to contract....
Newsletter Volume 32, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue:Conflict of Interest or Community of Interest? Court Interprets the "Electors Generally" Exception - Julia...
Newsletter Volume 32, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA conference issue:WHADDAYAMEAN? - A Ramble Through the BC Interpretation Act - Bill BuholzerCourts Confirm Local Government...
Newsletter Volume 32, Number 1
In this issue: Is our New "Home Office" a Zoning Contravention - Guy PattersonMunicipal Employers Should be Cautious if Considering...
Local Government Assistance
COVID-19 has placed unprecedented pressure on business. As a consequence, businesses have approached local governments for accommodations...
Newsletter Volume 31, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue:No Liability in Mistaken Up-Zoning Case - Joe ScafeCity Liable after Tenant's Illegal Backyard Fire - Amy...
Newsletter Volume 31, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA conference issue:BC Court of Appeal Upholds Whistler Tourist Accommodation Bylaws - Alyssa BradleyContractual Obligations and...
Newsletter Volume 31, Number 1
In this issue:BC Supreme Court Upholds New Westminster Renoviction Bylaw - Nick FalzonWho, in Law, is "Government"? - Bill BuholzerDrug...
Supreme Court of Canada Refuses to Hear Appeal in Tender Reprisal Clause Case
Today, the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed the contractor’s application for leave to appeal in J. Cote & Son Excavating Ltd. v....
Open and Closed Meetings
The most important and powerful duties and functions of a municipality must be performed and exercised by its council, and an act or...
Newsletter Volume 30, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: Tender "Reprisal Clause" Not Constitutionally Invalid - Joe ScafeCourt of Appeal Reconsiders Dangerous Dog...
Newsletter Volume 30, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA Conference issue: Beware of the Perils of Overspending: New Local Elections Campaign Financing Provisions Tested in Court...
Newsletter Volume 30, Number 1
In this issue:Wu v. Vancouver: When Making Permitting Decisions, Slow Doesn't Equal Negligent - Guy PattersonCourt Upholds Increased Fee...
The Ins and Outs of Drainage
The law of drainage, as it applies to local governments in British Columbia, is drawn from two sources: the common law and statute. The...
Newsletter Volume 29, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: Municipal Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags Upheld by Court - Sabrina Spencer Let's Remake a Deal: New Law...
Newsletter Volume 29, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA Conference issue: Missed by a Milestone: Damages Award Against City Upheld in Tendering Case - Joe Scafe BC New...
Newsletter Volume 29, Number 1
In this Issue: Supreme Court of Canada Expands Protection Against Discrimination in the Employment Context - Carolyn MacEachern...
Tendering Law Update
Tendering is perhaps the most common method used by local governments to procure works and services. Unfortunately for local governments,...
Newsletter Volume 28, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: Do not disturb: Striking a balance between welcoming public spaces and freedom of expression - Stefanie...
Newsletter Volume 28, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA Conference issue: Going Green: A First Look at Canada's Proposed Cannabis Act - Elizabeth Anderson The Perils of...
Allocating Risks Through Releases, Indemnities and Insurance
In an effort to keep legal and insurance costs down, local governments are increasingly seeking indemnities, insurance and releases from...
Newsletter Volume 27, Number 1
In this Issue: Edmonton's Uber-Friendly Bylaw - Michael Moll Reminder: Judgements on Title Must be Renewed Every 2 Years - Don...
Newsletter Volume 26, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: Canada Post Superboxes: Signed, Sealed, Delivered and Yours? - Francesca Marzari Putting a Price on...
Newsletter Volume 26, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA Conference issue: Tempest in a TeaPOT? Letters of Intent, Business Licensing and the ALR - Francesca MarzariWorksafe...
The Perils of Labour & Employment Law
Local government employers are well aware of the many perils involved in managing and dismissing employees given the obligations placed...
Newsletter Volume 25, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: Tsilhqot'in Nation v British Columbia: Aboriginal Title Proven in British Columbia - Gregg Cockrill BC...
Privacy Issues in the Work Place
Managing employees has always been complicated and is becoming even more so with the increasing use of technology in the workplace and a...
Newsletter Volume 24, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue:BCSC Upholds Local Government Authority to Regulate Long-Term Moorage - Barry WilliamsonCourt Confirms...
Newsletter Volume 24, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA Conference issue:Medical Marihuana: Health Canada Hits Reset Button - Bill BuholzerThe Perils of Independent Contractor...
Employer Obligations: Staying Out of Hot Water
Recent case law and changes to the Workers Compensation Act in relation to bullying and harassment highlight the increasing obligations...
Newsletter Volume 23, Number 2 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference Issue: No-Fee Emergency Calls (Taxes Apply), It's Party Time!, Worksafe BC to Adjudicate Claims of Harassment...
Per Unit Latecomer Charges Restored
The British Columbia Court of Appeal this week reversed the lower court’s decision in Okanagan Land Development Corporation v. City of...