Recent Publications
Caselaw Update
This paper examines seven court decisions over the past year that would be of particular interest to local governments: (i) the Court of...
Newsletter Volume 35, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA conference issue: Bill 16 - Part One: An Overview of Tenant Protections - Christopher Gallardo Ganaban & Eman JeddyBill 16...
Downzoning - Panacea or a Dirty Word?
Within the suite of authorities granted to local governments by the province, land use regulation is perhaps the most important. And...
Newsletter Volume 34, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: Delegations to Council - A Charter Right - Bill BuholzerThe Growing World of First Nations Heritage...
Newsletter Volume 34, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA conference issue: Artificial General (Municipal) Intelligence: Not Quite Yet - Nick FalzonBC Financial Services Authority...
Land Title Instruments: New (and Old) Issues
As a primer on two statutory tools contained in the B.C. Land Title Act frequently used by local governments: statutory right of ways and...
Contracts: What’s New (and Old) for Local Governments
For the old, COVID-19 has created a lot of buzz around the concepts of frustration of contract, the operation of contractual “force...
Newsletter Volume 31, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue:No Liability in Mistaken Up-Zoning Case - Joe ScafeCity Liable after Tenant's Illegal Backyard Fire - Amy...
Newsletter Volume 31, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA conference issue:BC Court of Appeal Upholds Whistler Tourist Accommodation Bylaws - Alyssa BradleyContractual Obligations and...
Newsletter Volume 31, Number 1
In this issue:BC Supreme Court Upholds New Westminster Renoviction Bylaw - Nick FalzonWho, in Law, is "Government"? - Bill BuholzerDrug...
Local Government Subsidiaries
Municipalities can incorporate by using their natural person powers under section 8(1) of the Community Charter (the “Charter”). Regional...
Newsletter Volume 30, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: Tender "Reprisal Clause" Not Constitutionally Invalid - Joe ScafeCourt of Appeal Reconsiders Dangerous Dog...
Affordable Housing Toolkit Update
This paper discusses some of the potential tools and recent developments to promote affordable housing in British Columbia. The first...