Recent Publications
Human Rights Update
In this paper, we provide an update on the operations of the Human Rights Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) and its attempts to address a...
Human Rights Complaint Proceeds to Hearing, Despite Signed Release
The BC Human Rights Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) recently issued a decision in Fyffe v. University of British Columbia, 2024 BCHRT 88. In that...
Managing the Employment Relationship
This paper addresses risks that can arise during various stages of an employment relationship from hiring through to the ending of...
Effective November 1, 2023 Job Advertisements to Contain Wage/Salary Information
As we indicated in our earlier client bulletin, and newsletter article, the Pay Transparency Act (the “Act”) received Royal Assent and...
Newsletter Volume 34, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: Delegations to Council - A Charter Right - Bill BuholzerThe Growing World of First Nations Heritage...
Newsletter Volume 34, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA conference issue: Artificial General (Municipal) Intelligence: Not Quite Yet - Nick FalzonBC Financial Services Authority...
Pay Transparency Legislation Enacted
On May 11, 2023, the Pay Transparency Act (the “Act”) received Royal Assent and became law in British Columbia. It enacts new requirements...
Labour, Employment & Human Rights: Odds and Ends
There were various labour, employment and human rights cases and new legislation this past year that impact local governments as employers....
Newsletter Volume 33, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: City of Vancouver Cannot Control Rent by By-law, BC Supreme Court Finds - Elizabeth Anderson & Nick...
Province Lifts Mask Mandate
The Provincial Health Officer announced on March 10, 2022 that the requirement to wear masks in indoor public spaces would be lifted. As...
Newsletter Volume 33, Number 1
In this issue: Let's Talk About Tax Sales - Michael Moll & Elizabeth AndersonRecent Decisions on Employers COVID-19 Vaccination...
Workplace Caselaw Update
Local governments have been grappling with unprecedented change in 2021, as the pandemic continues and we move to a “new normal” in our...
Gatherings and Events COVID Order for the Eastern Fraser Health Authority
On September 28, the Chief Medical Health Officer for the Fraser Health Authority issued an Order under the Public Heath Act of BC...
New COVID-19 Order for the Interior Health Region
On September 13, 2021, the Chief Medical Health Officer (Interim) for the Interior Health Authority issued a new Order regarding COVID-19,...
Bill 13-2021: Paid Sick Leave
On May 11, 2021, Bill 13-2021, which amends the Employment Standard Act, RSBC 1996 c 113, received its first reading. Bill 13-2021...
Newsletter Volume 32, Number 1
In this issue: Is our New "Home Office" a Zoning Contravention - Guy PattersonMunicipal Employers Should be Cautious if Considering...
COVID-19: Issues for Local Governments as Employers
In this session, we will discuss employment issues that continue to arise for employers during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include the...
Variance Application Process under the Employment Standards Act Streamlined for Extensions to COVID-19 Temporary Layoffs
In our previous bulletins dated June 26, 2020 and July 2, 2020, we addressed the provincial government’s extension to the permissible...
COVID-19 Related Temporary Layoffs Extended - Update
In our recent blog post entitled “COVID-19 Related Temporary Layoffs Extended”, we discussed the provincial government’s June 25, 2020...
COVID-19 Related Temporary Layoffs Extended
On June 25, 2020, the provincial government announced that temporary layoffs related to COVID-19 can now extend to a maximum of 24 weeks,...
Newsletter Volume 31, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA conference issue:BC Court of Appeal Upholds Whistler Tourist Accommodation Bylaws - Alyssa BradleyContractual Obligations and...
WorkSafeBC Directs All Employers to Prepare a COVID-19 Safety Plan
As BC makes its first tentative steps to reopen parts of the economy, and to establish the new normal in light of COVID-19, WorkSafeBC has...
Changes to the Employment Standards Act in response to the Covid-19 Crisis
On Monday March 23, 2020, the provincial government held an emergency sitting of the legislature in response to the COVID-19 public health...
Employer Disciplinary Investigations
There has been a lot of focus in the past few years on investigations of bullying and harassment complaints. However, employers are...
Newsletter Volume 30, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue
In this UBCM Conference issue: Tender "Reprisal Clause" Not Constitutionally Invalid - Joe ScafeCourt of Appeal Reconsiders Dangerous Dog...
Newsletter Volume 30, Number 2 - LGMA Conference Issue
In this LGMA Conference issue: Beware of the Perils of Overspending: New Local Elections Campaign Financing Provisions Tested in Court...
Newsletter Volume 30, Number 1
In this issue:Wu v. Vancouver: When Making Permitting Decisions, Slow Doesn't Equal Negligent - Guy PattersonCourt Upholds Increased Fee...