Nick's Biography
Nick Falzon joined Young Anderson as an associate in May of 2019, after completing both summer and full articles with the firm.
Nick’s practice is focused on judicial reviews and other public law litigation. In addition to his litigation practice, Nick also provides advice to clients regarding a variety of issues including conflicts of interest, council codes of conduct, governance, planning law, municipal taxation, and bylaw enforcement matters. He has argued cases before the BC Provincial Court, BC Supreme Court, and BC Court of Appeal.
Nick is a contributor to the British Columbia Continuing Legal Education Society’s Administrative Law Practice Manual: “Chapter 1: An Overview of Administrative Law” and Chapter 4 “Impartiality and Independence”.
Originally from Victoria, he completed undergraduate studies at the University of Victoria, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Distinction in Greek and Roman Studies. In 2018, Nick graduated from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University.
In his spare time, Nick can be found on a soccer pitch, squash court, or in one of Vancouver’s many breweries.
Selected Court Decisions:
- Bennett v. Superintendent of Motor Vehicles (Jan 6, 2023), (Motor Vehicle Act Judicial Review)
- Gabriola Island Local Trust Committee v. Fonseca, 2022 BCCA 402, 2023 BCCA 302 (Contempt of Court)
- V.I.T. Estates Ltd. v. New Westminster (City), 2021 BCSC 573, 2023 BCCA 183 (Residential Rental Tenure Zoning case)
- English v. Richmond (City), 2021 BCCA 442 (Building Permit Refusal Judicial Review)
- Yu v. City of Richmond, 2021 BCCA 226 (ALR Building Permit Expiry Judicial Review)
- 1193652 B.C. Ltd. v. New Westminster (City), 2020 BCSC 163, 2021 BCCA 176, leave to appeal to Supreme Court of Canada denied 2021 CanLII 126365 (SCC) (Business Regulation of Rental Units)
- O’Shea/Oceanmount Community Association v. Town of Gibsons, 2020 BCSC 698 (OCP Consistency Case)
- Coquitlam (City), v. British Columbia (Assessor of Area #10 – North Fraser Region), 2020 BCSC 440 and 2022 BCCA 183 (Property Tax Exemption case re s. 220 of the Community Charter)
- Evans v. New Westminster (Police Department), 2019 BCCA 317 (Motor Vehicle Act Judicial Review)
- 3L Developments Inc. v. Comox Valley (Regional District), 2019 BCSC 1342 (Challenge to Refusal to Amend Regional Growth Strategy)