
Bill Buholzer and Julia Tikhonova published in International Municipal Lawyer Journal

The International Municipal Lawyer journal recently published an article written by Bill Buholzer and Julia Tikhonova. In their article, titled “Rental Housing Initiatives on Canada’s West Coast,” Bill and Julia discuss approaches by local governments and the provincial government in B.C. to maintain affordable rental housing. Specifically, the article examines the impacts of the decisions of V.I.T. Estates Ltd. v. New Westminster (City), and 1193652 B.C. Ltd. v. New Westminster (City,) as well as the July 2021 amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act. Local government staff may read the article to stay informed of the extent of their authority to regulate rental housing in conjunction with the provincial legislation.

Bill’s and Julia’s article can be downloaded from the link below.

Download pdf: Bill Buholzer and Julia Tikhonova published in International Municipal Lawyer Journal

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