Young, Anderson Welcomes Kathleen Higgins
Young, Anderson is very pleased to announce that, effective February 13, 2018, Kathleen Higgins has joined the firm's partnership.

Kathleen is one of British Columbia's leading municipal and planning lawyers. She began her local government law career as in-house legal counsel at a large lower mainland municipality, before moving to private practice. Kathleen advises local governments on all aspects of municipal law, including development, engineering, subdivision, environmental, planning, expropriation, conflict of interest and council governance issues. She also regularly advises local governments on their authority and jurisdiction to pass bylaws in a variety of areas covered by both provincial and federal legislation. Kathleen's practice has included extensive real estate transactions, including the creation of a number of regional parks in the Lower Mainland and the development of an alpine ski resort. She has also conducted bylaw prosecutions, injunctions and defences to bylaw challenges in British Columbia's Provincial, Supreme and Appeal Courts.
Kathleen is available to assist the firm's clients, and can be contacted at (604) 689-7400 or higgins@younganderson.ca.