Events 2010
December 2010
Young, Anderson Annual Client Seminar
Young, Anderson held its annual Client Seminar on December 3, 2010 at the Hotel Vancouver.
November 2010
Subdivision Regulation and Discretion - CLE
Ray Young and Christina Reed spoke at the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia on "Subdivision Regulation and...
Vancouver Island Local Government Management Association
Carolyn MacEachern presented a labour relations update at the Annual Conference of the Vancouver Island Local Government Management...
October 2010
Association of Regional District Planning Managers
Bill Buholzer will be speaking at the Association of Regional District Planning Managers at the Coast Hotel in Victoria, October 28, 2010
Acting Local: Municipal Government Responses to Climate Change
Bill Buholzer and Alyssa Bradley presented Acting Local: Municipal Government Responses to Climate Change, sponsored by Simon Fraser...
LGMA School for Approving Officers
Bill Buholzer presented at the LGMA School for Approving Officers on "The Approving Officer as a Statutory Decision Maker". Kelowna,...
Canadian Institute of Planners
Bill Buholzer presented a paper on British Columbia's local government climate change legislation. Montreal - October 4, 2010
September 2010
PIBC Lower Mainland PlanTalk
Bill Buholzer and Alyssa Bradley spoke at PlanTalk: Zoning Hot Topics Workshop at SFU Harbour Centre in Vancouver.
August 2010
LIBOA - Dangerous Dogs
Don Howieson presented a paper to members of the LIBOA on Dangerous Dogs.
Municipal Administrators Training Institute, UVIC
Reece Harding presented a primer on Local Government Law issues to registrants of the MATI 1 course. Victoria, August 12, 2010
June 2010
2010 Planners Open Clinics - Prince George
June 18 - Prince George - Host: Prince George
LIBOA - Arkinstall: Why You May Need An Entry Warrant and How to Get One
At the annual Licence Inspectors and Bylaw Officers Assocation Conference held in Merrit B.C., Don Howieson and Michael Moll presented a...
International Municipal Lawyers Association Conference
Bill Buholzer presented a paper on the Catalyst Paper Corporation and TimberWest Forest Corporation taxation bylaw challenges, at the...
2010 Planners Open Clinics - Lower Mainland
June 4 - Lower Mainland - Host: Maple Ridge
May 2010
Planning Institute of British Columbia - Municipal Government Response to Climate Change
Alyssa Bradley and Bill Buholzer presented a pre-conference course on local government responses to climate change, sponsored by SFU City...
Government Finance Officers Association - Annual Conference
Case Comments/Collection/Tax Sales - GFOA Annual Conference May 26 - 28, 2010 in Kamloops
Local Government Management Association - Annual Conference
Ray Young presented his paper "Good Planets are Hard to Come By", answering the question: Do We Have the Tools to Defend it? Whistler -...
Local Government Management Association - Approving Officers' Seminar
Bill Buholzer presented on leasehold and phased strata subdivisions. Whistler - May 18, 2010
Municipal Administrators Training Institute, University of Victoria
Reece Harding spoke at the local government law seminar, Municipal Administrators Training Institute, University of Victoria Victoria,...
2010 Planners Open Clinics - South Island
May 7 - South Island - Host: Highlands
April 2010
2010 Planners Open Clinics - Lower Mainland
April 23 - Lower Mainland - Potential Host: Richmond (stay tuned)
Disciplinary Investigations and Procedures
North Central LGMA Prince George April 23,2010
Anatomy of a Zoning Bylaw
Vancouver April 16, 2010 Simon Fraser University Seminar
2010 Planners Open Clinics - West Kootenay
April 9 - West Kootenay
March 2010
Municipal Powers and Resources for Climate Change
At Centre for Civic Governance Conference "Resilient Communities: Cool Ideas for Locally-Elected Leaders" Harrison Hot Springs, March...
Impact Fees and Infrastructure Financing
Atlanta March 25, 2010 Institute for Comparative Metropolitan Growth
Airspace Title & Planning Seminar
Kamloops, March 12, 2010
Labour, Employment & Human Rights Law
Capilano University March 5, 2010
2010 Planners Open Clinics - North Island
March 5 - North Island - Host: Comox
Climate Change & Using the New Local Government Powers
Victoria March 5, 2010 Simon Fraser University Seminar