Events 2020
December 2020
BCNPHA Conference - virtual (Dec 2-4)
Kathleen Higgins will be part of a panel discussing "the Resource Guide and Housing Agreements in general" at the BC Non-Profit Housing...
November 2020
Young Anderson Annual Local Government Law Seminar (Nov 25 to 27)
This year, our Annual Local Government Law Seminar will be presented in the format of a series of half-day webinars, held Wednesday,...
October 2020
LGMA - Approving Officers Workshop - virtual (Oct 27)
Guy Patterson will be presenting a session entitled "Approving Officer as Statutory Decision Maker" at the Local Government Management...
LGMA - Approving Officers Workshop - virtual (Oct 23)
Guy Patterson will be presenting a session entitled "Legal Update" at the Local Government Management Association Approving Officers...
LGMA - Approving Officers Workshop - virtual (Oct 20)
Guy Patterson will be presenting a session entitled "Latecomer and Frontender Agreements" at the Local Government Management Association...
Municipal Administration Training Institute - virtual (Oct 15)
Reece Harding will be teaching "An Introduction to British Columbia Local Government Law - Basic Principles" at the Municipal...
LGMA Corporate Officers Forum - virtual (Oct 8-9)
Sukhbir Manhas will be presenting a session entitled "Legal Update" at the Local Government Management Association Corporate Officers Forum...
SFU City Program Course - virtual (Oct 6-7)
Bill Buholzer & Guy Patterson will be presenting a Planning and Zoning Refresher course at the SFU City Program Course (virtual) on...
June 2020
CANCELLED - 2020 LGMA Annual Conference - Kelowna (Jun 11)
Barry Williamson, David Loukidelis & Ethan Plato will be presenting a session entitled "Public Hearings" at the Local Government...
CANCELLED - 2020 LGMA Annual Conference - Kelowna (Jun 10)
Sukhbir Manhas & Jan Enns (Jan Enns Communications) will be presenting a session entitled "The Challenges of Social Media " at the...
CANCELLED - LIBOA Conference and Annual General Meeting - Whistler (Jun 4)
Michael Moll & Elizabeth Anderson will be presenting a session entitled "Caselaw Update" at the Licence Inspectors and Bylaw Officers...
GFOABC BC virtual Conference 2020 (Jun 3)
Kathleen Higgins & Inder Biring will be presenting a session entitled "Community Amenity Contributions: Community Planning &...
May 2020
PIBC 2020 CPL Webinar #5 - Legal Update: Local Government, Legal Obligations and Public Engagement in the Age of COVID–19 (May 27)
Alyssa Bradley and Guy Patterson will be presenting a Legal Update: Local Government, Legal Obligations and Public Engagement in the Age of...
CANCELLED - NCLGA 2020 AGM and Convention - Prince George (May 15)
Kathleen Higgins will be presenting a session entitled "Emerging Trends in Municipal Law and Best Practices for Local Government" at the...
CANCELLED - Canadian Bar Association - webinar (May 12)
Reece Harding will be speaking at the Canadian Bar Associate webinar on the “Local Power to the People: Municipal Jurisdiction in Leading Change” on May 12, 2020.
CANCELLED - LMLGMA 2020 Conference - New Westminster (May 6)
Kathleen Higgins & Sukhbir Manhas will be presenting a session entitled "Collaboration and Reconciliation between First Nations and...
April 2020
CANCELLED - AKBLG 2020 Conference - Radium Hot Springs (Apr 24)
Reece Harding and Amy O'Connor will be presenting a session entitled "Collaboration and Reconciliation between First Nations and Local...
CANCELLED - AVICC 2020 AGM & Convention - Nanaimo (Apr 17)
Kathleen Higgins will be presenting a session entitled "Connecting with your Community" at the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal...
CANCELLED - WKBLGMA 2020 Conference - Kimberley (Apr 15-17)
Carolyn MacEchern will be presenting a session entitled "Discipline Investigations: The How To's and the Do Not Do's" at the West Kootenay...
CANCELLED - MIABC 2020 Risk Management Conference - Vancouver (Apr 8)
Sukhbir Manhas will be presenting a session entitled "Emergency Management" at the Municipal Insurance Association of BC 2020 Conference...
CANCELLED - MIABC 2020 Risk Management Conference - Vancouver (Apr 8)
Carolyn MacEachern & Michelle Blendell will be presenting a session entitled "Human Rights Complaints - A Guide to Navigating the Human...
CANCELLED - NCLGMA 2020 AGM and Conference - Prince George (Apr 2)
Carolyn MacEachern & Ethan Plato will be presenting a session entitled "FOIPPA Update’" at the North Central Local Government...
March 2020
CANCELLED - 2020 Regional District CAO Forum - Victoria (Mar 24)
Sukhbir Manhas will be presenting a session entitled "Legal Update" at the Regional District CAO Forum being held in Victoria March 24-25,...
PBLI - Local Government 2020: Current Issues - Vancouver (Mar 11)
Kathleen Higgins will be presenting a session entitled " Hot Topics in Planning Law" at the Pacific Business & Law Institute program...
February 2020
LGMA CAO Forum - Victoria (Feb 26)
David Loukidelis will be facilitating a session entitled "Acting With Integrity - Speaking Truth to Power" at the Local Government...
Young Anderson Annual Local Government Law Seminar - Victoria (Feb 7)
Young, Anderson will be presenting its Annual Local Government Law Seminar on February 7, 2020 at the Westin Bear Mountain Resort, 1999...
LGLA Leadership Forum - Richmond (Feb 6)
Reece Harding will be presenting a session entitled "Opportunities for Civil Discourse" at the Local Government Leadership Academy Forum...
January 2020
Metro Vancouver Housing Agreements Workshop - Burnaby (Jan 30)
Kathleen Higgins will be presenting a workshop for planners on Housing Agreements at the Metro Vancouver Housing Agreements Workshop being...
Labour and Human Rights Roundup audio conference (Jan 30)
Carolyn MacEachern will be participating in the Lancaster House "Labour and Human Rights Roundup: Key cases from 2019 and what they mean in...