
Newsletter Volume 32, Number 1

In this issue:

Is our New "Home Office" a Zoning Contravention - Guy Patterson
Municipal Employers Should be Cautious if Considering Mandatory Vaccine Policies - Pam Costanzo
Can Campaign Contributions Create a Conflict of Interest? - Barry Williamson
Go with the Flow - Regulating Development Near Water - Amy O'Connor & Sarah Strukoff
BC Court of Appeal Orders removal of Soil Erosion - Preventing Structures - Sukh Manhas
Caselaw Update: Childcare Obligations and Claims of Discrimination on the Basis of Family Status - Carolyn MacEachearn
The OCP Consistency Rule: What is it and are you Being Reasonable? - Kathleen Higgins
Municipal Corruption: A Criminal Code Offence - Alexandra Greenberg
Supreme Court of Canada Reconfirms the Duty of Good Faith is Distinct from the Obligation to Provide Reasonable Notice of Dismissal - Michelle Blendell
Too Little, Too Late: An Interim Application Regarding Property Clean-Up Orders - Michael Moll
Miscellaneous Statutes: Did You Know? - Joe Scafe
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