
Newsletter Volume 33, Number 3 - UBCM Conference Issue

In this UBCM Conference issue:

City of Vancouver Cannot Control Rent by By-law, BC Supreme Court Finds - Elizabeth Anderson & Nick Falzon
Sufficient Shelter? Recent Decisions on Closing Encampments - James Barth
Conflict and "Communities" of Interest - New Direction from the Court of Appeal - Nick Falzon & Julia Turner
Municipal Election Workers are Likely Employees, Not Independent Contractors - Michelle Blendell & Carolyn MacEachern
BC Legislation Establishes New Accessibility Requirements for Local Governments - Julia Tikhonova & Carolyn MacEachern
Finalising a Housing Agreement - Crossing the Statutor t's and Dotting the Statutory i's - Guy Patterson & Timothy Luk
Whose Land is this Anyway? - Alexandra Greenberg
Executing Land Title Act Forms - A Few Reminders - Joe Scafe
Contract Termination and the Charter: What you Need to Know - Sarah Strukoff
Miscellaneous Statutes: Did you Know? - Joe Scafe
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