
Newsletter Volume 35, Number 1

In this issue:

BC Court of Appeal Clarifies Law of Confidentiality and Indemnification - Sukh Manhas & Nick Falzon
Emergency and Disaster Management Act Update - Nate Ruston
Legislation that would Limit Decriminalization Subject to Interim Injunction - James Barth
When is a Claim too Old to Move Forward? - Christopher Gallardo-Ganaban & Eman Jeddy
Employee Dishonesty: Context not Quantity - Ayesha Ali
MEVAs: We Know They're Useful, but are they Constitutional - Aidan Andrews
Check for Tenants before Registering a Charge - Serge Grochenkov
What's that Covenant Called? Differentiating Restrictive Covenants from Section 219 Covenants - Jacob Lewin
Lease Versus License: A Primer and Practice Points for Local Governments - Julia Tikhonova & Timothy Luk
Negotiating at Grade Road Crossings with Railway Companies - Lynda Stokes
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