Seminar Papers
DRIPA and Local Governments
In November 2019, the provincial government adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People’s Act (“DRIPA”). Aimed at...
Managing the Employment Relationship
This paper addresses risks that can arise during various stages of an employment relationship from hiring through to the ending of...
Speak Up or Shut Up? - Free Speech
Freedom of expression is one of the hallmarks of a free and democratic society. Since 1982 it has been formally enshrined in the Canadian...
Downzoning - Panacea or a Dirty Word?
Within the suite of authorities granted to local governments by the province, land use regulation is perhaps the most important. And...
Tax Sales
The power of municipalities under the Local Government Act (the “LGA”) to sell private properties for the non-payment of property taxes is...
Litigation - Do's and Don'ts
Local governments often find themselves in situations in which there are conflicts and in which there is a dispute with other parties. When...
FOI & Privacy Law Update
The legal landscape around freedom of information (“FOI”) and privacy in British Columbia was altered significantly in late 2021. The...
Local Government and the Provincial Housing Agenda (updated)
The provincial government’s April 2023 “Homes for People” housing strategy identified 9 separate actions, most of which (highlighted below)...
Caselaw Update
This paper examines 6 recent court decisions of particular interest to local governments: (i) a B.C. Supreme Court decision on in camera...
Codes of Conduct and More: Elected Officials Behaving Badly
Most professionals are held accountable for their conduct through legislative mechanisms. Lawyers must comply with a Code of Professional...