Seminar Papers 2014
December 2014
The Tsilhqot'in Nation and Whistler Cases: What Do They Mean for Local Government
This paper deals with the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent landmark decision in the Tsilhqot’in v. British Columbia, the first case in...
The Perils of Labour & Employment Law
Local government employers are well aware of the many perils involved in managing and dismissing employees given the obligations placed...
Working with the AGLG
This paper reviews the statutory basis for the activities of the Auditor General for Local Government, compares that office with similar...
Defamation: What Are Your Rights?
Unlike the officers and employees of a private corporation, as an officer or employee of a local government, you are often in the public...
Hot Topics in Planning Law
2014 has been a year of a number of important court decisions of interest to local governments, several of which are particularly...
FOI Update: A Review of Some "Interesting" FOI Decisions
Access to information legislation, such as the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), serves an important...
The Tough Issue of Homelessness
Many local governments are faced with tough decisions relating to people living in places not generally intended or safe for human...
Compost, Recycling and Putrescibles (aka C.R.A.P.): Case Studies in Waste Management
Waste is very lucrative these days. Many municipal and regional district bylaws and waste management plans are not equipped to address...
Caselaw Update
This paper summarizes some of the cases of interest from the past 12 months. This paper does not include any comments on the recent,...