Seminar Papers 2016
November 2016
Medical Marihuana in the Workplace
An increasing amount of people are being prescribed medical marihuana to deal with various medical conditions and disabilities. Given the...
Managing the Market: The Affordable Housing Toolkit
This paper examines some of the local government powers available to address affordable housing issues in British Columbia. The first...
A User Friendly Guide to New Legislation
In remarks delivered in 2013 to the Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals, Canada’s Chief Justice described a “revolution” in...
Redrawing the Boundaries Applying the New Human Rights Legislation Locally
Recent changes to the BC Human Rights Code provide explicit protections against discrimination on the grounds of gender identity or...
Contaminated Sites A Local Governments Role
Contaminated sites exist in every community in British Columbia. The role various levels of government play in the identification,...
The 911 on What to do Before the OIPC Calls
This year marks a significant year for local governments and their relationship with the Office of the Information and Privacy...
When is a Highway Really a Highway?
This paper is not about the typical highway, the road recorded in the Land Title Office, named and paved by the local government and...
Allocating Risks Through Releases, Indemnities and Insurance
In an effort to keep legal and insurance costs down, local governments are increasingly seeking indemnities, insurance and releases from...
The A to Z of Local Government Procurement
As we all know, local governments are significant consumers of both goods and services. Local governments purchase a vast array of goods,...