Seminar Papers 2018
November 2018
Business Regulation: How Far Can You Go?
In 1994 in a case that raised the scope of the municipal power to regulate businesses under the Municipal Act, Madam Justice Southin put...
Affordable Housing Toolkit Update
This paper discusses some of the potential tools and recent developments to promote affordable housing in British Columbia. The first...
#Whatnow? Sexual Misconduct and the Workplace
The #metoo movement has empowered many people to speak up against sexual assault misconduct. From CBC to Hollywood to Google Inc, sexual...
Planning for Resiliency
Since at least the 1990s, and coinciding with the release of the Brundtland Report and the adoption of the United Nations Framework...
Professional Reliance: A Local Government Perspective
This paper looks at some of the findings contained in the Final Report of the Review of Professional Reliance in Natural Resource...
Cannabis: The Whole Picture
Cannabis regulation is a big topic and hot topic for local governments. October 17, 2018 saw Canada’s Parliament legalize possession of...
All You Need to Know About Parks
When strolling through a beautiful BC park on a Sunday walk, one frequently ponders the nature of the park, articulating fascinating and...
The Ins and Outs of Drainage
The law of drainage, as it applies to local governments in British Columbia, is drawn from two sources: the common law and statute. The...
Expropriation 201
In this paper, we go beyond the general process to be followed by local governments when exercising their expropriation powers and...