Seminar Papers 2020
November 2020
Municipal and Provincial Conflicts: Inconsistency or Concurrent Authority?
How far can a local government go before it intrudes on the Province’s jurisdiction? This session delves into the often-litigated and...
Public Hearings: A New Era?
For decades, public hearings have been a reliable source of work for litigators acting against local governments in British Columbia. The...
Local Government Assistance
COVID-19 has placed unprecedented pressure on business. As a consequence, businesses have approached local governments for accommodations...
How are the Courts Approaching the Duty of Care in Negligence Claims Against Local Governments?
Recent decisions indicate that the courts are more reserved in their approach to the question of whether local governments owe a duty of...
Governance: Conflicts, Codes of Conduct, and Beyond
This session will first delve into council and board member ethical obligations under the Community Charter, with a focus on conflicts of...
ALR Update: What Local Governments Need to Know
The regulations under the Agricultural Land Commission Act have undergone significant and swift recent changes, with potentially...
Land Title Instruments: New (and Old) Issues
As a primer on two statutory tools contained in the B.C. Land Title Act frequently used by local governments: statutory right of ways and...
Report Writing: The Dos and Don’ts
Effective report writing is an essential skill that every local government official must have. This session provides an overview of the law...
Contracts: What’s New (and Old) for Local Governments
For the old, COVID-19 has created a lot of buzz around the concepts of frustration of contract, the operation of contractual “force...
COVID-19: Issues for Local Governments as Employers
In this session, we will discuss employment issues that continue to arise for employers during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include the...
Vavilov: Is it Good for Local Governments?
Russian spies, citizenship revocation, and the illegals program are topics that this session does not cover. Instead, it deals with the...
Overdue Taxes – Options for Collection
Tax sales provide a very effective and efficient method of collecting overdue taxes in most cases. But what about those rare instances in...