Client Bulletins 2021
September 2021
Approving Officer Liability and Section 219 Releases
Local governments, and the Province as well, will welcome two recent Court of Appeal decisions arising from the approval of a subdivision...
Gathering and Events COVID-19 Order for the Northern Health Region
On September 7, the Chief Medical Health Officer for the Northern Health Authority issued an Order under the Public Heath Act of BC...
New COVID-19 Order for the Interior Health Region
On September 13, 2021, the Chief Medical Health Officer (Interim) for the Interior Health Authority issued a new Order regarding COVID-19,...
Timeline for Upcoming Changes to Electronic Meetings
Next week, two important dates will come up for local governments in relation to the holding of meetings through electronic means. On...
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Young, Anderson’s office will be closed on September 30th in recognition of National Truth and Reconciliation Day. In June, the federal...
New Events and Gatherings Order Includes Vaccine Card Requirements
On September 10, the Provincial Health Officer issued a new Order under the Public Heath Act of BC concerning Gatherings and Events (the...
New Mask Order Issued from the PHO: September 2, 2021
The Provincial Health Officer issued a new order today in respect of the provincial mask mandate (the “Order”). The Order states that it...